Michele Spencer: Elder Guide, Grandmother, Wayshower, Creative Integrated Healing Artist, Spiritual Warrior-SOULdier: 34-year Army Combat Veteran, Creatrix-Author of 2 books/ Integrative Healing Art-ivist: Licensed Massage Therapist/Registered Yoga Teacher (Kemetic &Trauma Sensitive)/ Reiki Master/Integral Sound Healing/ Human Design: Emotional Projector/GK 38 The Warrior of Light/ 22 Master Builder/Humble Servant-Student! I Am to Love with Ease, Grace, and Joy as a Sovereign Being and have FUNnnnnnnn! Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu means “May All Beings BE Happy and Free.”Questions: Have Fun with Me!: email Michele.m.spencer22@gmail.com