
Off Centre Music Salon

Dearest friends,Welcome to Off Centre Music Salon’s new virtual home. We are building something here and we are so very glad to have you join us.As musicians, we have always thought of ourselves as being quite good at living spontaneously, in the moment, ready for just about anything. Well, needless to say, we arere not ready for the tumult of the past 18 months. Just as we were set to celebrate our 25th Concert Season, the world as we knew it shut down all around us.COVID has been ruthless. Every sector, every age – no one has come out of this time unscathed. And yet, as we see glimmers of hope for a slow return to normalcy, we count ourselves so lucky.Off Centre Music Salon began as an attempt to find the magical, inclusive atmosphere of the Viennese and Parisian Salons of the 19th Century. At a time when the concert hall experience had become almost clinical in its austerity, we felt the need, more than ever, to go back to a time when music was intimately shared, concerts told a story and created personal connections for audience and performer alike. Over time we have broadened our mandate beyond the music of the 19th Century. We feel a need to protect and foster a sustainable musical future. This has led to the formation of our Artist-in-Residence initiative.Today, our hunger for the immediacy and intimacy of live performance is greater than ever before. We have been thinking tirelessly about you. We do hope you’ll join us, beginning January 2022, as we work to refill the reserves that have been emptied during this frightening hiatus, with music and joy.Boris & Inna


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