Our Common Home Counseling Center was created by Reverend Bonnie Tarwater and Dr. Walt Rutherford in 2015. We ask what really matters and offer support and encourage truth telling personally and collectively as we seek meaningful work and service.Counseling Center services include: Support Groups, Short and long term psychotherapy, Ecologic and World Crisis Issues, Group therapy, Dream work for individuals and groups, Relationships and couple’s counseling, Family and children’s counseling, Trauma and Addiction Counseling, Pastoral Counseling, Spiritual Direction, Aging and Menopause issues, Hospice and Bereavement counseling, Pre-marital counseling, Art workshops and an “Arts Ministry” with an art studio with the animals in the barn, a barn mural project, ecologic building projects, Dance parties and weekly pot lucks, Retreats, Gardening, Social Justice Projects, Career Counseling.