What exactly is Rage Yoga... I know you’re asking yourselfDespite the name which can evoke drastic responses, like scoffing, eye rolling, or even online trolls.Rage Yoga is all about do no harm, but take no sh!t, while finding your own path to becoming Zen as F*ck!We introduce and lead students through an inclusive alternative yoga practice, free of judgement and stigma while providing a safe space to fully express themselves authentically. We encourage self empowerment and exploration, promote self awareness and acceptance, and encourage movement and vocal expression within your own yoga practice. You won't find sounds of raindrops or a babbling brooks during this class, what you will find is a little hard rock or metal music...each playlist is curated to each class.We respect all boundaries and encourage vocalization, which could be as simple as a deep sigh or exhale to as loud as your most guttural war cry, as a method of release...yes that also means an unadulterated, judgement free, F-bomb can absolutely escape those lips of yours if you find that cathartic... Or maybe you’d like to just scream about having to do dishes again, or the slow driver in the left lane. (**Please note** due to the nature of these classes, most venues, and the vocalizations that may occur its best to leave the young padawans at home )What Rage Yoga is not, is a place to be a dick. We won’t tolerate it and will ask you to leave and never return. That means we aren't name calling, we aren't putting down our fellow class attendees, and we certainly are not abusing or otherwise disrespecting our venue hosts or any of their staff.We don’t do judgement, we don’t impose our will on others, we respect that each person, their body type, ability, background and path to peace is different, so we expect the same courtesy and compassion from those who choose to join us. So that means no I am not going to walk around the room and critique every little move you make or put you into positions like a doll. This is an exploratory practice, and F that is always an option.Who can join us? Anyone...we welcome the nerds, the freaks, the geeks, those who swear like truckers and sailors, those who plain old feel like a square peg in a round hole, those that may not have considered yoga before...consider this your gateway alternative yoga! Join our tribe of beautiful radically authentic badasses, we welcome you with open arms and tons of fist unicorns!!Basically if you’re interested join us and if you have questions just ask!