SHOOTING PEOPLEis a vibrant community of independent filmmakers, actors and screenwriters - we connect and collaborate to get films made, seen and shared. We exist because we believe that the best way to get independent films made and out into the world is to learn from others doing it themselves.Shooters are doing great things: creating distinctive, bold films, engaging new audiences, experimenting with cutting edge technologies, discovering new sources of crowdfunding, exploring new models of distribution, and forging sustainable careers with the help of all the different services we offer:Paid and Collaborative Roles- find production work or advertise for your own shootFunding and Competitions Directory- see a listing of current opportunitiesMembers Network and Forum- peer-to-peer discussions and find collaboratorsDaily Email Bulletins- stay up to date with industry newsScript Pitch- pitch your script to directors and producersNew Shoots Competitions-enter our filmmaker & actor competitionsNew Shoots Events- live and online events to hear directly from award-winning independent filmmakers and their teamsJoin Us. Let's Make Film.
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