Maximize your life! (ENG)This is the credo of Shorombo Mooij, a High Performance Life Coach whose mission is to inspire and empower people to live fulfilling and healthy lives. Through a diverse range of offerings—including 1-on-1 coaching, online programs, public speaking events, and retreats—Shorombo provides the tools and guidance needed to unlock your full potential.As both an expert by trade and through lived experience, Shorombo brings unique insights to his work. Having personally overcome challenges like depression and burnout, he combines these experiences with teachings from renowned thought leaders and methodologies, such as Tony Robbins, Robin Sharma, Jim Rohn, and others.Shorombo delivers proven strategies and insights in a way that is both energizing and practical, ensuring you can immediately apply them to your own life. Expect events that are inspiring, deeply pragmatic, and designed to leave you feeling empowered to take action.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximize your life! (NL)Dit is de rode draad voor alles wat Shorombo doet. Shorombo is een holistische life coach en het is zijn missie om zoveel mogelijk mensen te inspireren en te helpen levens te creëren waar ze voldoening uit halen. Hij doet dit op zoveel mogelijk manieren. Zo begeleid hij mensen met behulp van 1-op-1 coachingstrajecten, bied hij online programma's en geeft hij geregeld lezingen en verzorgt hij workshops. Shorombo is ook de initiatiefnemer van het platform The Maximize Your Life Initiative.