Square One Wellness, LLC is Ellen Gipson, MA, RDN, LD, a registered dietitian, mom and fitness instructor. A graduate of Southeast Missouri State University, she completed her dietetic internship with Saint Louis University and earned a master's degree from the University of Alabama.Ellen worked the last four years as aregistered dietitian for one of the largest school districts in Southeast Missourideveloping school menus that comply with the nutrition guidelines set by the USDA, integrating nutrition education into the classrooms and developing student-approved recipes, following the philosophy "food isn't nutrition unless it's eaten." A life-time favorite hobby turned into a side career during her college years, when she began teaching group fitness classes. She continues to instruct, primarily Zumba classes at Fitness Plus in Cape Girardeau.Following the birth of her daughter, Ruth Marie, in January 2017, Ellen transitioned into the role of stay-at-home-mom/fitness instructor/employee wellness coordinator/entrepreneuer. It's been a busy year. Her personal philosophy to health is Back to basics: eat real food, sweat often, drink lots of water and go to sleep if you're tired. There is no magic to health - it is a gift. Establishing healthy habits at young age is essential.