The “We Believe In You” Organization’s (WBIY) organization founder/owner: Stacy Hill would like your support in their ongoing campaign to serve and benefit the Kansas City, Missouri community and surrounding areas!A small (GA) or large (VIP) commitment is welcomed as you join this campaign. This event partial proceeds target feeding so many homeless and low–income children/families via a host of healthy choices and filling menu items and the Toys For Tots initiatives to assist the less fortunate around the holidays!Stacy Hill events also targets and has ongoing initiatives in Asthma Awareness as her very own son transitioned from this life due to the complications of Asthma in 2017.“We Believe In You” has been steadfast in their passion for stirring the camaraderie of participants as they come together with their families, neighbors, co-workers, church members and community at large.“We Believe In You” is in its 4th year spearheading and financing their annual celebratory community event... for the mature and no-nonsense crowd!