This group started out as a group of parents of autistic children who got together to support each other, and who wanted to extend that support to other people. We had our first Information and Consultation Evening in early October, during which we set out our ambitions of inclusion, support and empowerment for neurodivergent children and their parents and carers.During that time we were successful in our application to become a registered charity. The charity name is Stronger Together for Autism and Neurodivergence SCIO, to be known as STAND. Our charity number is SC052228 and our details can be found on the OSCR Register at charity registration has kicked off a process of organising our governance and project management, and formalising the informal arrangements that we already have in place. We will therefore be in a transition period for the next four months, and will be in touch with more details for our future plans shortly. We wanted to give you this early update, and tell you our plans in advance, because it is so important to us that all of you are part of the transition and onward journey with us. There will be a number of changes during this transition period, including to our visual identity.In the meantime, our existing projects will run as normal, including our whatsapp support groups, ASN Stay n Plays, ASN Soft Play sessions and this Facebook Group.We have a new email address: (all emails to the previous address, will be forwarded).