Hello. My name is Victor Pãtrãşcan and I'm a pretentious stand up comedian and outrageous social commentator who was made in Romania. I’ve told my silly jokes in English in front of a crowd of people in the United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Turkey, Sweden, Denmark, France, Serbia, Switzerland, Finland, Belgium, Iceland, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Gibraltar, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Hungary, Ukraine and Romania.In 2022, I performed in front of over 16.000 people, in 70 cities from 27 countires on 2 continents in venues ranging from 28 people in Neskaupstaður, Iceland to 430 in Warsaw, Poland. I produced all of these shows myself, so I’m extra excited about this.Let me know where you live and I’ll come and do as show there - send me a message at contact@victorpatrascan.com