
Utah Business Aviation Association (UBAA)

Utah Business Aviation Association:Communication, Education and a Voice for Utah business aviation since 2007The Utah Business Aviation Association is a fairly new but motivated group of aviation volunteers. Incorporated as a 501(c) 6 charity over 2 years ago, the UBAA has established the following goals:1)Voice: To have a voice at local, state and regional levels for aviation issues, Concerns may include proposed regulations and other laws that affect our operations. UBAA will have the ability to organize, inform and be proactive at a local level. This will allow us to be more effective when issues arrive that need to be addressed.2)Educate and inform: Through regular communications and our annual Safety Day, UBAA will keep members and the aviation community at large aware of changes in legislation. We will also focus on safety issues for all aviation professionals, as well as the challenges we face in all aspects of the business.3)Community:The organization will work with the future of Business Aviation by promoting scholarships for students, career seminars and training/advancement guidance.4)Network:UBAA will build a network of aviation professionals to establish a more efficient and enjoyable work environment.


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