Wi-SUN Alliance® is a global industry association devoted to seamless connectivity. Together we seek to promote certified standards that coordinate various wireless systems and standardize power levels, data rates, modulations, and frequency bands, among other variables. Through technology development, market building, and regulatory programs, Wi-SUN Alliance is committed to supporting the worldwide development of Wireless Communications Networks for Utilities, Smart Cities and IoT.Wi-SUN is the first and only group contributing to key standards and developing testing programs to verify that a company’s equipment not only complies with IEEE 802.15.4g, a wireless standard specification for Smart Utility Networks, but is interoperable with equipment from other vendors intended for use in the same applications.The Wi-SUN CERTIFIED™ program, launched in early 2013, provides an official designation of interoperability and a quality experience for both suppliers and consumers. As part of this program, Wi-SUN develops Conformance and Interoperability Test specifications, which incorporate “Certified Test Bed Units (CTBUs)” for interoperability testing.Wi-SUN currently has office locations in the United States, Japan, Europe, and Southeast Asia.