Windsor Makers Studio, located in Windsor, NS, provides a full spectrum of art classes. Instruction includes, but is not limited to: pottery, woodshop, stained and fused glass, sewing, weaving, all fibre arts (hooking, knitting, crochet, felting, tapestry), painting, photography, and an assortment of one-off classes in things such as rock wrapping, leatherwork, embroidery, basket weaving, nature journalling, and many others. Our goal is to deliver high quality instruction from our vast wealth of talented artisans affiliated with our site. We will work to accommodate specific needs...just contact us! We offer group rates and have some options for youth. We also hold facilitations three days each week from 1-3 (Wed, Thur, & Sun) when our members who work with fibre meet to expand their skills and to create items that are returned to the community.