Welcome to Women's Ecstatic Dance.Danielle is our event host and host's in-person and online events for women. Offering a range of different group somatic and dance workshops aswell as deeply healing women's spaces.Danielle is an Ecstatic dance DJ + Facilitator, trauma-informed somatic educator and breathwork facilitator."My passion is to allow women to feel safe to be seen in their barest form. I want to create a space where women come together to celebrate themselves through deeply healing events. I feel like overtime we have been conditioned out of loving ourselves and relying on external influences to hold onto to make us feel worthy. By becoming embodied and connecting with other sisters and expressing ourselves we let go of so much internalised shame around being a women in todays masculine driven society."Our events are unique as they offer a place for women to be seen through free-form dance sessions, sexual and sensual reclamation movement and group menstrual art workshops.Liberate yourself from internalised Patriarchal conditioning and be seen,held and loved in your fullest expression!<3