
Özlem Imil - Conscious Life Design Coach

Hello wonderful people,I am Özlem- a Conscious Leadership and Life Design Coach, Energy Practitioner & Workshop Leader .After more than a decade in school leadership in London, I transitioned into becoming a Personal Performance and Executive Coach eleven years ago. As a result, I have extensive experience in public, corporate and charity sectors as a leadership coach, mentor and trainer.I also ama Community Builder and a teacher of a 'Wholistic' and 'Human' approach to leadership, performance & communication.✨ My missionis to play my role in the creation of a transformed health and wellness system, one where the individual knows their body and mind well.✨ My personal dreamis to eventually set up a dedicated, physical space for wellbeing in my community.✨ My dream for the collectiveis a harmonious "present and future", shaped by highly aware, healthy and fulfilled humans. And for us all to constantly keep our 'oneness' in mind and in our acts, so we all thrive together.✨ I Help Others throughcoaching, mentoring, training, community events and energy healing, specialising and offering services in the following areas so that clients create lives they love and they continuously thrive:Leadership, Conscious Living, Conscious Relationships, Effective Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Confidence, Career Development, Healthy Living and Wellbeing.I also work with other value-aligned and amazing practitioners and offer wellness talks and workshops with them.Hope to see you soon in one of my/our events or workshops.Much love✨


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